

Finding Time for Mentoring

Are you committed to helping yourself or someone else develop? Get tips on how to find time for mentoring in this blog from Randy Emelo.

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Flipped Classrooms Put Learning to Work

Learning is a process, not an event. Chris Browning explores how flipped learning can improve your return on training investment.

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Creating a Modern Mentoring Culture

Mentoring is a proven method for sharing knowledge in a personalized way, for helping someone else gain skills and confidence, and for helping improve overall job satisfaction. So why do so many ...

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The Magnitude of Mentoring

The trickle-down effect of mentoring can lead to every employee in an organization being impacted by mentoring in some way.

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Millennials Need Mentoring

How does your organization respond to the needs and preferences of millennials while ensuring they are prepared and have the skills needed to be successful at their jobs?

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Flipped Classrooms Put Learning to Work

Flip the classroom to make learning more effective, personal, and applicable to the job. Get ideas and tips in this blog.

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The Value of Context in Expertise

There's value in moving from learning to deeper understanding. Read how that can impact your work and your professional mentoring network.

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Corporate Culture Shines Light on Character

Culture is the heart of the company and is made up of the character of the employees at all levels. See how River lives out our values in this blog.

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Stop Training and Start Learning

Go beyond training, and help employees learn. Give them ways to build personal learning and mentoring networks. Learn how in this blog and related eBook.

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Multi-gen Workforce

Baby Boomers are getting set to retire. Gen Xers are taking on new leadership roles. Millennials are entering the workforce. How can you address all the learning needs of these unique generations?

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Shift Your Focus with Modern Mentoring

In a nutshell, mentoring is learning from the experience of others. Randy Emelo shares how organizations are modernizing their approach to mentoring and the results they are getting.

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How-To Guide for a Mentoring Revolution

Revolutionize mentoring at your organization and increase the benefits it can have for your workforce. River can help you do it. Learn how in this free eBook from the mentoring experts.

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Modern Mentoring Provides Practical Advice

Author Randy Emelo describes his history with mentoring and his passion for modernizing the approach for professional mentoring programs.

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Before You Go: Mentoring and the Exiting Employee

Don't squander your company know-how. Get tips for how to use workplace mentoring programs to tap into employee knowledge before it walks out the door.

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Before They Go: Mentoring and the Exiting Employee

Don’t let your organizational knowledge walk out the door! Randy Emelo offers three tips for using group mentoring with your exiting employees to capture their critical insights before ...

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Mentoring for Productivity

Based on his work with numerous Fortune 500 companies, Randy Emelo shares three tips for using mentoring for organizational productivity.

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Continuous Learning eBook

In this guide from River, we share the startling facts of how quickly people forget what they learned in training, along with a new learning paradigm model to help you envision what continuous ...

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Mentoring for Productivity

Mentoring to help with productivity? Genius! People can learn from their peers and colleagues as a way to address skill gaps and learning needs.

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How-to Guide for Creating Learning Networks

In this eBook, we explain why companies have to give people a way to collaborate with one another that is personalized, relevant, and timely—while also being cost-effective for the organization.

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Pillars of Modern Mentoring

Discover the five core building blocks of developing a modern mentoring mindset in this article from Randy Emelo.

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Reverse Mentoring Is about More than Social Media Skills

This River blog tests some assumptions about reverse mentoring and offers ideas on the practice.

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Rewarding Good Behavior: Companies Succeed with Mentoring

This River blog describes how River helps companies solve real business problems through mentoring, with examples given from EMC and Sodexo.

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It’s Time for a Mentoring Revolution!

We want to help organizations take full advantage of mentoring and all of its scalable benefits. As a result, we declare a mentoring revolution.

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Informal Learning

River uses focused learning engagements that blend structure with social elements and amplify the impact of informal learning to your entire workforce.

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The Many Faces of Mentoring

There are different ways that mentoring can take shape at your organization. Do you have ways to support each type?

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The Power of Peers in Modern Mentoring

Unlock the power of peer mentoring in your organization. Uncover three reasons why this is a great way to support employees in this blog.

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Mentoring in a Millennial World

Millennials crave mentoring, but the way in which this generation prefers to connect, learn and share expertise leaves traditional mentoring programs ill-equipped.

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Crappy Advisors Stifle Mentoring Groups

Get more from group mentoring. Here are four ways that effective mentors and mentoring leaders can drive learning in mentoring groups.

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Why Millennials Think Your Onboarding Process Sucks

Learn how to make your onboarding process suck less for Millennials and non-Millennials alike.

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3 Myths about Collaborative Learning

Mentoring and learning networks give employees personal connections they crave. Bust three myths about organizational collaborative learning in this blog.

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