Social Distancing Does Not Have to Mean Social Isolation [Training Journal]

Written by
Laura Francis

Press Feature

TJ article - Mentoring combats social isolationSocial Distancing Does Not Have to Mean Social Isolation

By Laura Francis
Published in Training Journal
April 16, 2020

In this Training Journal article by Laura Francis, she shares how online mentoring relationships can be used to combat social isolation.


Article Sneak Peek:

Many people have been thrown into an unfamiliar situation in recent weeks where they suddenly have to work from home. It may feel unsettling as you try to find your footing in this whole new working-at-a-distance thing. But don’t confuse social distancing with social isolation.

Now is absolutely the time when you need to be reaching out to your professional network, reinvigorating your mentoring relationships, and reminding yourself that you have personal connections who could use a quick hello just as much as you could.

Continue reading “Social Distancing Does Not Have to Mean Social Isolation” here.

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