How to Bring Your Mentoring Relationship to a Healthy End [Training Journal]

Written by
Laura Francis

Press Feature

Ending Mentoring Relationships articleHow to Bring Your Mentoring Relationship to a Healthy End

By Laura Francis
Published in Training Journal
December 11, 2019

Feeling like it’s time to say goodbye to your mentee or mentor? This Training Journal article by Laura Francis will help you through the process.


Article Sneak Peek:

It might seem strange to think about how to end a mentoring relationship. Admittedly, most people spend more of their time thinking about how to start a relationship or find a mentor rather than figuring out how to shut it all down.

But understanding how to bring your mentoring relationship to a healthy conclusion should be seen as an equally important part of your overall mentoring efforts.

You might think: why in the world would I want to end my mentoring relationship? Well, to answer that point, see if any of these statements sound familiar:

  • I feel like I’ve met my development goals.
  • Our conversations have become a little flat and predictable.
  • We end up talking about things unrelated to mentoring when we meet.
  • We haven’t met in several weeks or even months.
  • My development needs have changed since this relationship started.
  • I’m not sure my mentor is committed to this relationship.
  • I’m not sure I’m committed to this relationship.
  • My priorities have shifted and I can’t give this relationship what I should.

All of these (and many more!) are warning signs that it’s time to say goodbye to your mentoring relationship.

Continue reading “How to Bring Your Mentoring Relationship to a Healthy End” here.

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