Make Yourself a Priority with Mentoring [Training Journal]

Written by
Laura Francis

Press Feature

You are a priority in mentoring - TJ articleMake Yourself a Priority with Mentoring

By Laura Francis
Published in Training Journal
February 17, 2020

Ready to focus on you? Check out this Training Journal article by Laura Francis that provides a 4-step plan on how to make this a reality through mentoring.


Article Sneak Peek:

It can sometimes be hard to make time for yourself or to put energy into your own development when you are in the midst of day-to-day responsibilities and deadlines at work.

Making yourself a priority might feel impossible, but it can occur within a mentoring relationship.

If you’re not sure where to start or what to do next, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are four steps to help you prioritize your mentoring plans and help you move toward accomplishing your goals.

Continue reading “Make Yourself a Priority with Mentoring” here.

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