3 Reasons Why Mentoring Programs Fail . . . and What You Can Do About It [ATD]

Written by
Laura Francis

Press Feature

ATD article on Mentoring Programs Failures3 Reasons Why Mentoring Programs Fail . . . and What You Can Do About It

By Laura Francis
Published in ATD
November 15, 2019

In this ATD article, Laura Francis shares three common mistakes people make when running their mentoring programs, along with ways to fix these errors.


Article Sneak Peek:

It can be extremely frustrating and disheartening to fail at something, especially when you think you have a solid plan in place that is destined to succeed. It can be even more difficult when that failure occurs at work.

Over the course of nearly 20 years, I have seen organizations make some missteps when it came to their mentoring efforts, and I have seen mentoring programs that did not go as planned. The gaffes often occurred because of a lack of attention, focus, or support from within the organization. To help ensure you don’t make the same mistakes, here are three less-than-ideal scenarios and ways you can fix them.

Continue reading “3 Reasons Why Mentoring Programs Fail…and What Your Can Do About It” here.

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