Mentoring Buzzwords

Written by
Laura Francis

River’s Mentoring Word Search

Mentoring never goes out of style. While the process may change with the times, such as the emergence of mentoring software in the early ‘00s making it easier to match people and manage mentoring programs, the core of the process remains learning relationships between people.

It’s that human factor that gives mentoring its power. It’s the conversations between people that put ideas and learning into context. It’s the support between mentees and mentors that provides the strength people need to overcome hurdles and learn from mistakes.

We’ve seen stellar results reported from our clients regarding their mentoring programs over the years. For example:

  • 91% of mentees said they experienced competency improvement in one or more of the areas that they worked on in their mentoring relationship.
  • 90% of mentees and mentors said the mentoring program helped them develop a positive relationship with another individual in the company.
  • 89% said mentoring allowed them to contribute to the success of their company.

Get more stats and research results in River’s ROI of Mentoring eBook.

And while mentoring is a serious endeavor that can transform people’s lives and careers, we also think it should be fun. There should be joy in it! That’s why we’ve created a Mentoring Buzzwords Word Search.

When people talk about mentoring, they often use particular words to help them describe the participants, process, or outcomes. Common words used when talking about mentoring include mentee, mentor, conversations, relationships, reverse, pairs, diversity, engagement, retention, and onboarding.

We’ve pulled some of these most common terms together into one fun word search puzzle. Print out a copy and try your hand at finding all of the mentoring buzzwords. (And when you’re ready, you can download the answer key here to see how you did.) Feel free to share this with others and even use it as a fun way to talk about mentoring with stakeholders, advocates, and participants.

River's mentoring word search puzzle

Mentoring can make a tremendous difference in people’s lives. Yet sometimes the seriousness of working toward career and skill improvement goals can feel overwhelming. A quick break to remember that mentoring can be fun and should bring happiness might be what’s in order. We hope this word search puzzle provides just the brief break you need to help catch your breath and remember that mentoring can be joyful.

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