Mentoring Administrators Sometimes Need Help Too

Written by
Laura Francis

Advice for People in Mentoring Relationships

Admins need help tooWhen you run a mentoring program, it may feel like your work is never done.

You’ve secured funding and stakeholder support for your program. Well done! Now go get this thing off the ground.

You’ve launched your program and people have started signing up as mentees and mentors. Congrats! Now get them matched up.

You’ve gotten people connected in mentoring relationships. Kudos! Now examine effectiveness and measure results.

You’ve gathered metrics and have solid reports to prove your mentoring program is working. Nice job! Now figure out ways to support your current participants so that their relationships continue to flourish, while also recruiting new participants so that your program grows.

Phew! It’s a never-ending job, and certainly one that can take plenty of your time, energy, and effort if you are doing it well. But it is also one of those jobs that is very much worth the effort. To help you, River creates supporting material that you can use as an administrator in your daily work, or that you can share with your participants to help relieve some of the burden you may feel when it comes to supporting them.

Case in point: The 5 Tips for Being a Better Mentor eBook is filled with practical advice for mentors that helps them find their footing as advisors and guides them along their mentoring journey. You can use it as a training guide, as an open resource in your mentoring platform, or even as a way to spur your own creativity as you make custom materials for your program.

5 Tips for Mentors

The bottom line is this: River knows how hard you work as a mentoring program administrator, and we’re here to help. Download your free copy of our eBook today to get started.

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