Mentoring Across the Generations [Training Industry]

Written by
Laura Francis

Press Feature

Training Industry article on mentoring across the generationsMentoring Across the Generations

By Laura Francis
Published in Training Industry
June 24, 2019

Mentoring has a universal appeal. Instead of looking at different generations and deciding on a mentoring approach based on stereotypes, try these ideas from Laura Francis of River for making mentoring more approachable and accessible to everyone in your workforce, published in Training Industry.


Article Sneak Peek:

While the buzz about what millennials want and expect in the workplace may finally be cooling down, it’s just starting to heat up about the next generation. Get ready, because here comes Gen Z.

The youngest generation now arriving on the scene in the workplace, the Pew Research Center qualifies Gen Z as people born in 1997 or later. The articles about this generation have begun in earnest, including this one about five myths to know about Gen Z with regard to managing and training them.

Here are a few key phrases that people use to characterize Gen Z:

  • Entrepreneurial
  • Digital natives
  • Diverse and global
  • Prefer face-to-face communication

Robert Half study reported that the top characteristic members of Gen Z most value in a leader or boss is honesty/integrity (38%), followed by mentoring ability (21%). This generation wants learning opportunities, career advancement opportunities and mentoring.

Continue reading “Mentoring Across the Generations” here.

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