The Critical Role of Mentoring Conversations

Written by
Laura Francis

Tips for Mentees and Mentors

ConversationsFinding a mentor or mentee (or making the match as an administrator) is only one part of the equation when it comes to mentoring success. Knowing how to engage in productive mentoring conversations plays a critical—but often overlooked—role in helping people achieve their goals when mentoring.

In fact, in our recent River webinar called “Getting the Most from Mentoring Conversations,” presenters Randy Emelo and Chris Browning asked attendees to pick which option contributes the most to mentoring effectiveness: the reputation of the mentor, the awareness of the mentee, the goals of the mentoring relationship, or the developmental conversations between mentors and mentees. Of those who responded, 89% said it was the developmental conversations between mentors and mentees that play the biggest role in mentoring effectiveness. So that begs the question: What are you doing to support and encourage quality conversations?

The issue comes down to helping people have meaningful and effective conversations, and that’s where River comes in.

Technology can certainly make it easier to connect and communicate with people, but it still helps to have some advice and direction to ensure conversations are productive. The experts at River have the solution for this issue, which we are glad to share with you today.

Learn how a developmental dialogue model can be used as the basis for mentoring conversations in our recorded webinar. Randy and Chris will lead you in a highly interactive experience that can be replicated on both a large and small scale for your own mentoring success.

Watch this webinar today, and be sure to contact us about our mentoring software, resources, training, and services that can help you at every stop in your mentoring journey.

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