The Benefits of Mentoring... by the Numbers

River’s ROI of Mentoring eBook is the go-to resource for data on how mentoring impacts employees and organizations in today’s work environment. Fill out the form to download your copy today!

Our guts tell us that mentoring is a worthwhile endeavor—something we should offer our employees and take part in ourselves.

But does the research back this up?

You bet it does.

From employee engagement and retention to productivity and collaboration, mentoring leaves a mark on the people involved. For example:

  • 90% of participants said that mentoring helped them develop a positive relationship with another individual in their company.
  • 89% said mentoring allowed them to contribute to the success of their company.
  • 83% said that their mentoring experience positively influenced their desire to stay at their organization.

Get this data and more in River’s ROI of Mentoring eBook. Download your copy today!



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